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last update: 31st Dec
“life will be better in spring”
December 2011

Saturday, December 31, 2011 || 10:37 PM

Hey! It's the last 2 hours of 2011. And, I've decided to blog. This year was really full of ups and downs, like a scary roller coaster.

I don't feel as much important, frankly speaking.. I felt like a stranger whenever the rest of my family are together. I guess, I've grown up and I really want my own space, own time, own things. Something that really, always makes me unhappy is that, I always have to share things with my sister. I don't like it, or in fact I hate it so much. It bothers me whole week when she uses one of my things. I don't want to share my clothes, my shorts, my accessories. Really... Isn't it supposed to be mine since I bought it? :l Yes, I might be selfish in others' point of view. I don't want anything else. I just want my personal clothes, things, accessories, shoes, etc... But whenever she takes it, especially without asking me. I get really upset and has this tangled feeling in me. I don't know how to tell her nicely, "Hey, I don't wanna share this with anyone. Wear your own things please?" ... I really have no idea how to send this message to her, not wanting to make her angry, and let it work. In the end, I still have to continue sharing. Every single time I buy something, something I like, something I want it all by myself. When I bring it home, she'll give comments like "waste money." "okok only lah." End up, she'll use/wear it.... I find it so contradicting. I don't dislike her. I just don't like the way she does things that makes me feel, uncomfortable. Just like today.... She was looking for my Smiley long sleeve shirt that my mum bought yesterday. I thought... I chose it yesterday cause I like it, and not her...? Why is she looking for it, why does she want to wear it? She has more shirts than me. And I hardly even wear hers... I don't like it when she wants my things. No.... ): This is bothering me but really, I doubt even if I tell them, they wouldn't really understand and thinks I'm just being pure selfish. I'm really not. I just want my OWN stuffs. Please...?

I think, I really lost my place in their hearts. Most of them. I'm not that important anymore and doesn't matter to them. I really wished, we could be that close again. Or, maybe. Just talk? Everyone's leaving... Who'll stay? Other than that, I'm so sorry to some of my close friends, especially Gerallyn, Wan ting and Joie. I neglected them so much. I didn't have time for them. Because almost 85% of my holiday was full of training. Don't talk about friends, I didn't even have time for my family some times. I'm sorry. ): Anyway I'm getting into 3R3 next year with Joie. But not wan ting. :l that kinda sucks, but good as well. At least I have Joie with me around. :) I hope my class would be fine.... Would be fun.... Would be, active. HOPE. Hopefully KOREF would turn out to be great cause I'm totally not looking forward to it.. Firstly the bus ride, secondly the stranger class, thirdly the muddy activities, fourthly, ..... :l Oh well. Really hope it would turn out better than I think! :)

Turning sec3, New subjects to be learnt. Time to really get serious with my studies. I want to do well. Really well, and get into a JC. I hope I can catch up. I'm really going to put most of my time in studies and volleyball. Forget about having fun. >:) Serious. Haha. It's probably gonna be tough. But I shall work hard, adapt to a new way of life! Oh yes, I'm moving house in March! Kinda excited because the house is more comfortable than the current one. However I have to travel more. Hmm but I guess I'll really love that house. :)

I'm enjoying Volleyball nowadays. :) I love my team. And, I want them to be with me for life. Hehe. I hope I can improve more and, play well after the seniors leave. Before that, all of us shall work hard together and play well as a team, in the upcoming East Zone and Nationals! We'll make it. Hehe. Hmm. Nothing else much.

It's 10.35pm. 1 hour 25 min to 2012! HAPPY NEW YEAR! <3

Hope you're doing well.